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New York City

Substaintialis Corporis Mixti, NYC Bohemian National Hall, Czech Center, New York City, curated by Mark Cervenka, Director, O'Kane Gallery, University of Houston


Opening: March 7, 2010

Participating Artists: Anila Agha, Barbara Benish, Brian Collier, Santiago Cárdenas Arroyo, Christopher Edgar, Chris Jordan, Floyd Newsum, Lynn Randolph, Miloš Šejn, Sharon Sprung.

Substantialis Corporis Mixti ("Substantial Form of the Blended Body"): the synergies exhibition of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.

Organized by Safe Planet: the United Nations Campaign for Responsibility on Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes on the occasion of the Eighteenth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development. Substantialis Corporis Mixti is from the work De Mixtione Elementorum ("On the mixture of the elements", circa 1272) by Thomas Aquinas. In this short scientific work, Aquinas seeks to understand how the manner in which the modern elements behave in combination, and in particular the aggregation of imperceptible bodies (aggregatione corporum insensibilium), impact the nature of bodies.

Opening reception for the public was held on Friday May 7, with a curator's talk at 6:45pm followed by gallery viewing until 8:00pm. The exhibit was be open to the public Saturday, May 8-Friday, May 14th. (Normal gallery hours are Monday-Sunday, 10:00-5:00.)

The exhibition was sponsored by The Czech Republic and organized by Safe Planet: The United Nations Campaign for Responsibility on Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes on the occasion of the Eighteenth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development.


Full Fathom Five Revue, Magnan Metz Gallery, Chelsea District, 521 West 26th Street, New York City

Event: Thursday, May 12, 2011

Safe Planet went to New York for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development CSD: CSD-19 to feature Body Burden and POPs. Over a hundred people crowded into MagnanMetz gallery to listen and debate on chemicals and plastic pollution. A night of music, film, spoken word and art from the 5Gyres Institute, TrashPatch (Manuel Mansylla & Jimena Leiva-Roesch), Barbara Benish, Ben Lear, Jorn Ake, Larry Litt, Jamaica Osorio.

Read about it here.

For more information visit:

Earth Summit 2012

Rio+20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development

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